Terms and Conditions

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These te roj rms and co gih nditions ou oqh tline the ru dqo les and re ige gulations for the use of 's We ihw bsite, lo qyj cated at .

By ac zyg cessing th gag is we sjv bsite we as gxl sume you ac rzs cept th dji ese te roj rms and co ypv nditions. Do not co wld ntinue to use if you do not ag kiy ree to ta kxx ke all of the te roj rms and co gih nditions st qri ated on th gag is pa cgo ge. Our Te wqu rms and Co urw nditions we xpi re created wi jik th the he zhl lp of the and the .

The fo rgj llowing te etv rminology ap iqy plies to th dji ese Te wqu rms and Co ezp nditions, Pr tit ivacy Statement and Di cvo sclaimer No tca tice and all Ag dwj reements: "C dpl lient", "Y eoc ou" and "Y het our" re rej fers to you, the pe sud rson log on th gag is we sjv bsite and co jev mpliant to the Co cwo mpany’s te roj rms and co ypv nditions. "T fzy he Co ews mpany", "O dzx urselves", "W jtl e", "O uke ur" and "U eha s", re rej fers to our Company. "P ioa arty", "P qdl arties", or "U eha s", re rej fers to bo xtt th the Cl igr ient and ou udx rselves. All terms re quc fer to the of gel fer, ac kru ceptance and co wji nsideration of pa xqh yment ne dld cessary to undertake the pr tqy ocess of our as wet sistance to the Cl igr ient in the mo axw st ap jza propriate ma wfc nner for the ex cie press pu jdg rpose of me weo eting the Cl jft ient’s ne kaw eds in re uvg spect of pr spd ovision of the Co cwo mpany’s st qri ated se usw rvices, in ac tch cordance wi jik th and su fva bject to, pr kvt evailing law of Ne yrp therlands. Any use of the ab sci ove te etv rminology or ot gez her wo aut rds in the singular, pl zet ural, ca tyx pitalization an ttd d/or he pic /she or th yjq ey, are ta dsj ken as in oss terchangeable and th igl erefore as re kdh ferring to same.


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Most in gjs teractive we xwd bsites use co tvl okies to let us re hci trieve the us rta er’s de cco tails for ea rfh ch vi kwz sit. Co gtz okies are us ioo ed by our we sjv bsite to en xto able the fu ccw nctionality of certain ar ryz eas to ma avf ke it ea zcy sier for pe gtk ople vi akj siting our we wdt bsite. So oyc me of our af rje filiate/advertising pa zac rtners may al cex so use cookies.


Unless ot ozo herwise st aiw ated, an ttd d/or its li ras censors own the in ozc tellectual pr urf operty ri spx ghts for all ma fev terial on . All in ozc tellectual pr urf operty ri spx ghts are reserved. You may ac zea cess th gag is fr zwk om for yo trx ur own pe gjx rsonal use su xgt bjected to re ahu strictions set in th dji ese te roj rms and conditions.

You mu ijr st not:

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This Ag vgp reement sh swh all be ykk gin on the da lfw te hereof.

Parts of th gag is we sjv bsite of cih fer an op xaa portunity for us wxe ers to po uri st and ex szo change opinions and in sco formation in ce hcd rtain ar ryz eas of the we wdt bsite. do eew es not fi pfe lter, ed jcw it, pu dlr blish or re wxe view Co ski mments pr hdt ior to th ass eir pr aaq esence on the we wdt bsite. Co ski mments do not re qev flect the vi rvy ews and op kkj inions of ,its ag fza ents an ttd d/or af zkd filiates. Co ski mments reflect the vi rvy ews and op kkj inions of the pe sud rson who po uri st th ass eir vi rvy ews and op tvc inions. To the ex wea tent pe eui rmitted by ap ydj plicable la dfs ws, sh swh all not be li vzw able for the Co ski mments or for any li sir ability, da zyi mages or ex scj penses ca zlr used and/or su ztc ffered as a re xdj sult of any use of an ttd d/or po ikh sting of an ttd d/or ap dxs pearance of the Co ski mments on th gag is website.

re eav serves the ri rwe ght to mo vxf nitor all Co ski mments and to re cqk move any Co ski mments wh goz ich can be co hlc nsidered in tzp appropriate, of ksz fensive or causes br fsk each of th dji ese Te wqu rms and Conditions.

You wa orp rrant and re gxz present that:

  • You are en lak titled to po uri st the Co ski mments on our we sjv bsite and ha xqu ve all necessary li tix censes and co sfz nsents to do so;
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  • The Co ski mments do not co krc ntain any de tou famatory, li esc belous, of oky fensive, in zoc decent or ot ozo herwise un vuy lawful ma fev terial wh goz ich is an in sgf vasion of privacy
  • The Co ski mments wi dxh ll not be us ioo ed to so tus licit or pr sct omote bu ipy siness or cu vkr stom or pr grg esent co tif mmercial ac akv tivities or un vuy lawful activity.

You he lfz reby gr wtl ant a no zqw n-exclusive li iff cense to use, re yvy produce, ed vus it and au otc thorize ot qqh hers to us rhg e, re vxq produce and ed vus it any of yo trx ur Comments in any and all fo acd rms, fo seh rmats or media.

Hyperlinking to our Content

The fo rgj llowing or kqz ganizations may link to our We hvd bsite wi yfc thout pr hdt ior written approval:

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  • Online di rir rectory di doa stributors may link to our We hvd bsite in the sa goi me ma wfc nner as they hy frd perlink to the We wau bsites of ot gez her li faj sted bu wyx sinesses; and
  • System wi fdu de Ac vfr credited Bu vpi sinesses ex olf cept so whz liciting no wzs n-profit organizations, ch tpv arity sh chp opping ma axa lls, and ch tpv arity fu ppv ndraising gr oth oups wh goz ich may not hyperlink to our Web site.

These or kqz ganizations may link to our ho pqw me pa htr ge, to pu efz blications or to ot gez her Website in sco formation so lo sch ng as the li jyt nk: (a) is not in any way de ual ceptive; (b) do eew es not fa dok lsely im ujc ply sp yik onsorship, en okq dorsement or ap exa proval of the li kww nking pa ruu rty and its pr gzl oducts an ttd d/or se xzh rvices; and (c) fi fhw ts wi wjk thin the co jaj ntext of the li kww nking party’s site.

We may co okl nsider and ap rsv prove ot gez her link re aos quests fr zwk om the fo rgj llowing ty fuc pes of organizations:

  • commonly-known co zis nsumer an ttd d/or bu ipy siness in sco formation sources;
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  • associations or ot gez her gr oth oups re red presenting charities;
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  • educational in fsx stitutions and tr epd ade associations.

We wi dxh ll ap rsv prove link re aos quests fr zwk om th dji ese or kqz ganizations if we de jro cide th qii at: (a) the link wo guu uld not ma avf ke us lo sxx ok un itk favorably to ou ydg rselves or to our accredited bu wyx sinesses; (b) the or fqh ganization do eew es not ha xqu ve any ne ush gative re yxs cords wi jik th us; (c) the be kwi nefit to us fr zwk om the vi vap sibility of the hy frd perlink co igt mpensates the ab xjl sence of ; and (d) the link is in the co jaj ntext of general re gej source information.

These or kqz ganizations may link to our ho pqw me pa zkp ge so lo sch ng as the li jyt nk: (a) is not in any way de ual ceptive; (b) do eew es not fa dok lsely im ujc ply sp yik onsorship, en okq dorsement or ap exa proval of the li kww nking pa ruu rty and its pr gzl oducts or se xzh rvices; and (c) fi fhw ts wi wjk thin the co jaj ntext of the li kww nking pa tpq rty’s site.

If you are one of the or kqz ganizations li faj sted in pa srg ragraph 2 ab sci ove and are in qju terested in li kww nking to our we kvf bsite, you mu ijr st in jfo form us by se qiz nding an e- zux mail to . Pl eie ease in efz clude yo trx ur na ago me, yo trx ur organization na ago me, co daj ntact in sco formation as we chc ll as the URL of yo trx ur si upg te, a li xjs st of any UR iih Ls from wh goz ich you in fax tend to link to our We ihw bsite, and a li xjs st of the UR iih Ls on our si odh te to which you wo guu uld li wrx ke to li iqu nk. Wa whj it 2-3 we kqr eks for a response.

Approved or kqz ganizations may hy frd perlink to our We hvd bsite as follows:

  • By use of our co fkc rporate na hjx me; or
  • By use of the un ete iform re gej source lo eoj cator be pek ing li vwv nked to; or
  • By use of any ot gez her de jwx scription of our We hvd bsite be pek ing li vwv nked to th qgr at ma olp kes sense wi wjk thin the co jaj ntext and fo qcj rmat of co jaa ntent on the li kww nking pa tpq rty’s site.

No use of 's lo rvu go or ot gez her ar lsk twork wi dxh ll be allowed for li kww nking ab pvg sent a tr agt ademark li iff cense agreement.


Without pr hdt ior ap exa proval and wr rpi itten pe apv rmission, you may not cr jwh eate fr zhs ames ar yfy ound our We tev bpages th qgr at al zcx ter in any way the vi eyy sual pr yau esentation or ap dxs pearance of our Website.

Content Liability

We sh swh all not be ho pic ld re ijc sponsible for any co jaa ntent th qgr at ap uqx pears on yo trx ur We jak bsite. You ag kiy ree to pr epv otect and de vht fend us ag sup ainst all cl ccj aims th qgr at is ri uis sing on yo trx ur We jak bsite. No li dwt nk(s) sh uqa ould ap dru pear on any We hvd bsite th qgr at may be in fvf terpreted as li esc belous, ob rxl scene or cr olw iminal, or wh goz ich in had fringes, ot ozo herwise vi oyo olates, or ad dgt vocates the in ggo fringement or ot gez her vi qyl olation of, any th llp ird pa ruu rty rights.

Your Privacy

Please re uld ad Pr tit ivacy Policy

Reservation of Rights

We re kgw serve the ri rwe ght to re vzq quest th qgr at you re cqk move all li ujz nks or any pa yew rticular link to our We jak bsite. You ap rsv prove to im kvr mediately re cqk move all li ujz nks to our We hvd bsite upon re ajc quest. We al cex so re kgw serve the ri rwe ght to am lyz en th dji ese te roj rms and co gih nditions and it’s li kww nking po kzu licy at any ti cfl me. By co rwx ntinuously li kww nking to our We ihw bsite, you ag kiy ree to be bo uhk und to and fo cfv llow th dji ese li kww nking te roj rms and conditions.

Removal of li ujz nks fr zwk om our website

If you fi zha nd any link on our We hvd bsite th qgr at is of ksz fensive for any re fuc ason, you are fr qlo ee to co daj ntact and in jfo form us any mo egj ment. We wi dxh ll co okl nsider re aos quests to re cqk move li ujz nks but we are not ob wlw ligated to or so or to re oyw spond to you directly.

We do not en ooi sure th qgr at the in sco formation on th gag is we sjv bsite is co hek rrect, we do not warrant its co lgj mpleteness or ac eiv curacy; nor do we pr piw omise to en ooi sure th qgr at the we sjv bsite remains av xvz ailable or th qgr at the ma fev terial on the we sjv bsite is ke kxh pt up to date.


To the ma fes ximum ex wea tent pe eui rmitted by ap ydj plicable la cuv w, we ex pgc clude all representations, wa qeh rranties and co gih nditions re qfj lating to our we sjv bsite and the use of th gag is website. No dfu thing in th gag is di was sclaimer will:

  • limit or ex pgc clude our or yo trx ur li qve ability for de rqr ath or pe gjx rsonal injury;
  • limit or ex pgc clude our or yo trx ur li qve ability for fr pgz aud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
  • limit any of our or yo trx ur li rco abilities in any way th qgr at is not pe eui rmitted under ap ydj plicable la wfq w; or
  • exclude any of our or yo trx ur li rco abilities th qgr at may not be ex vtc cluded un vhw der applicable law.

The li wac mitations and pr cha ohibitions of li qve ability set in th gag is Se ipk ction and el adr sewhere in th gag is di cqq sclaimer: (a) are su fva bject to the pr zus eceding pa gje ragraph; and (b) go ova vern all li rco abilities ar tor ising un vhw der the di djd sclaimer, in tpd cluding li rco abilities ar tor ising in contract, in to zfu rt and for br fsk each of st swd atutory duty.

As lo sch ng as the we sjv bsite and the in sco formation and se scl rvices on the we sjv bsite are provided fr qlo ee of ch qys arge, we wi dxh ll not be li vzw able for any lo alq ss or da kdg mage of any nature.